Welcome, internet minions. You appear to have stumbled upon my 'blog'. Stupid word, but nonetheless. If you appreciate the art of angry rambling then you're in the right place. Stick around.

Friday, 5 March 2010

You may say I've given up the ghost...

I am but a beggar before beauty.

"That feeling when you are in another city, another town, strange and new streets and you realise you are wholly alone. Not one person around you knows you and no one knows where you stand in this world. It is these moments travelling that make me think of the past more than ever..."

It really is true... You don't know what you've got until it's gone.

I don't know what to do anymore. I am really at a loss, which does not happen very often in the world of Emily. I think I'm waiting for some amazing person to fall from the sky and tell me what to do next. If you're up there... Hurry the fuck up?

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