Welcome, internet minions. You appear to have stumbled upon my 'blog'. Stupid word, but nonetheless. If you appreciate the art of angry rambling then you're in the right place. Stick around.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Mental Wanderings

Christ, I'm fucking tired, but I'm inevitably making my almost-daily, obstreperously pointless attempt to stay awake. Why? This is fucking silly. Maybe I'm about to write something incredibly perspicacious. Here's later: Emily says 'fuck' a bit more.

I keep stumbling across all these deliciously unnecessary words (see above sentence), and I'm in the mood for optimal verbosity. So here is a list of words that you should use more often: (I shan't berate you for searching for them in your dictionary. If you even have one, you fucking peasant).


In other news, I've just spent about half an hour reading the Wikipedia page on the word 'cunt'. I've picked some choice parts for your lesiurely perusal; however, I would highly recommend that instead of reading whatever shit I'm about to write, you read the page.

"The word in its modern meaning is attested in Middle English. Proverbs of Hendyng, a manuscript from some time before 1325, includes the advice:[9]
Ȝeue þi cunte to cunnig and craue affetir wedding.
(Give your cunt wisely and make (your) demands after the wedding.)"

"In this sense the word is used to describe crude excess. An example of 'cunt' used as a simile to express an intense condition of bawdy, belligerent, antagonistic, or drunken behaviour, would be to describe another (or oneself) as behaving 'like a cunt'. This characterisation can be further qualified; 'like a total cunt', implying that the state of being like a cunt can have greater extremes: 'like a total shit fuck bastard cunt', for example. Such syntax though is rare."

"In nautical usage, a cunt splice is a type of rope splice used to join two lines in the rigging of ships.[104] Its name has been bowdlerised since at least 1861, and in more recent times it is commonly referred to as a "cut splice"."

Bloody interesting.

Saturday 7 May 2011


I hate being right about everything. It becomes tiresome after a while.