Welcome, internet minions. You appear to have stumbled upon my 'blog'. Stupid word, but nonetheless. If you appreciate the art of angry rambling then you're in the right place. Stick around.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

An Old One

So I thought I would start to note some things that irritate me. Just so you all know and can refrain from ever doing it.

1. Unnecessary Capitalisation Is Grammatically Incorrect And Incredibly Annoying To Read. Stop It.
2. People who add unnecessary extra letters onto their words need to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Heyyyyyyy babbyyyy howssss yooouuuu? FUCKOFFUCKOFFHSHUTUPSHUTUP
2a. Oh, and WTF is that "ii" thing about? Hii Babii ii Lovee iit Whenn Yuu Leeave Commenntzz On Mii Piiczz! Please, please, please go away... Please... Please :(
3. People who do smiley faces the wrong way round, like (: WHY?!?! That just confuses my poor astigmatic eyes, who have enough trouble with reading computer screens anyway. Sooo irrelevant. There's a reason it's ":)" BECAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE A SMILEY FACE, NOT A FUCKING BRACKET AND A COLON.
4. People who think they're thuper metul because they listen to fucking.. Shit. And know nothing about metal.
5. Metalcore. 'Nuff said.
6. Right. Since when did everyone in England stop drinking tea? This angers me. I blame the suits. Them and their stupid latte addictions. It is now IMPOSSIBLE to buy REAL (loose leaf, brewed in teapot, milk in first, mmm yummy) tea anywhere. For takeaway I mean. Hence, I have to pay £1.60 for a cup of fucking Twinings bullshit from Costa which tastes like hot ass water. Fuck off. Also, just teabags in general. They shouldn't exist. Except PG Tips. They're alright. NB: If you don't understand what I'm talking about then you are one of the people on my hate list. Search "LOOSE LEAF TEA" on google or buy some at Tesco's.
7. TfL. I can't even begin to try and word my pure malevolent HATRED for the fucking CUNTS at TfL.. Apparently the weekend closures are organised and overseen by a blind, deaf, dumb, autistic, brainless 8 year old, because for some reason, they think it's fine to just completely close ALL TRANSPORT from ANYWHERE NEAR harrow, thus adding about 2 hours onto my journey EVERY FUCKING WEEKEND, because OBVIOUSLY NOBODY NEEDS TO FUCKING DO ANYTHING ON THE WEEKEND DO THEY?!!? RIGHT WELL. YOU'RE CLEARLY BASTARDS. THANKS FOR MAKING ME LOSE SLEEP.
8. The Tube/London Overground in general. It angers me when I see fat, suited blokes taking up 8 seats on the Northern line. Aw, hard day? Sitting in your fucking spinny office chair with specially aligned back padding to make sure you don't get a sore back? FUCK OFF. I'VE BEEN STANDING UP FOR 8 HOURS SOLID, IN THE FREEZING COLD, WITH NO RUNNING WATER. I GET PAID £4 AN HOUR. GET THE FUCK UP AND LET ME SIT DOWN. Also, suits who push you out of the way to get on the train before you/push infront of you at the ticket barrier line. SORRY WUT?! Are you more important than me because you're a faceless corporate hound? Are you pushing me out of the way to make yourself feel better about the emptiness slowly filling your life? Boss not remembering your name? Loveless marriage? The 2.4 children who aren't doing so well at school because their daddy is never home? Did you have a pushy mother as a child? WELL. Boo fucking hoo. YOU WAIT YOUR FUCKING TURN. Man, I really have an unhealthy amount of Tube rage...
9. I outranted myself. Give me a minute to build up some anger.
10. Right. Spanish tourists. Sorry, are you aware this is fucking England? I DON'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND SPANISH TU JODER. Also English tourists abroad. LEARN THE FUCKING LANGUAGE. Don't just talk louder and point. Tourists really grind my gears. You think because you're on holiday that everyone should be waiting on you hand and foot? Fuck off. I'm at work. Nice that you can afford a holiday, and are insecure enough to dick on a shop assistant. Nice one yeah.
11. I have worked in Camden since April. I walk past the noodle places EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. And yet.. Still... "NOOOODAAAALL 4 POUN DAALING"... Sorry... Not a huge fan of canal rat fried in piss...
12. Annotations of an Autopsy and Suicide Silence = Not grindcore. Trigger the Bloodshed = Not brutal. Checker-shirted walking fringe-core bands = GAY. Behemoth = NOT DEATH OR BLACK METAL.
13. "You must be over 18 to..." Piss off. Actually just piss off. Thanks bureaucracy, I think instead of going to a gig I'll hang out on the street and take heroin. Fuck off complaining about ASBO-kids when they have absolutely NOTHING to do.

More later.

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