Welcome, internet minions. You appear to have stumbled upon my 'blog'. Stupid word, but nonetheless. If you appreciate the art of angry rambling then you're in the right place. Stick around.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Full-time employment has ruined my creativity

PS. I was going to title this note 'Apparently my anger issues have subceded', but that isn't a word, is it? Jesus pissing Christ...

So yeah, I don't write these things very much any more. Mainly because I have shit all to say nowadays. I'm still an angry little man, but in the past few years it appears I've stopped caring about telling everyone about it. Not that I'm any less of an attention whore (please read my blog, add me on Bebo, look at my hat, I'm really alone and thirsty). I can just never think of funny crap to write about (hence; the only thing I can think of writing about is that fact I can't think of anything to write about. EMILY 1, CREATIVE DROUT ZERRRROOO). I used to spend hours detailing horrific accounts with fat men on the tube, spreading my tales of humourous woe around the internet like a particularly infectious strain of herpes (or syphilis, those are my two favourite venereal diseases. And incidentally veneral disease sounds much cooler than 'STI'. 'STI' is more like a shit nickname some twat called Stuart has given themselves to be different. Not dicking on any Stuarts who may be reading this. I'm 76% sure that I like all of you). But nowadays, my spare time is filled with sleeping, thinking about rubbish stuff, or watching other people do things with their life.

Marsha from Spaced once said, "Contentment is the enemy of invention,". However, I disagree. TITLE REFERENCE employment is the enemy of invention, you see. Having a job to do for 5 days out of a week makes you tired. And being tired stops you from doing things. And not doing things stops you from getting out and aboot the hoose/world and experiencing things that inspire you to write/rant/cry.

Although, actually thinking about that, when I was unemployed, I did fucking nothing because I spent my remaining money on a tattoo. Foolish.

Maybe I just got over my anger problems or got old and lost my youthful spark of creativity.

Erm, I'm reading a Viriginia Woolf book, it's well good. She knows loads of shit for a woman in the ol' times of women not knowing anything except whatever it was that women knew in those days

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