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Thursday, 3 June 2010

Tongue Piercing

I'm going to entertain you all with a diary of my healing period. Yay

Day 1. 03/06
Spent about 4 hours waiting for a bus. Went to place, made the piercer uncomfortable with inappropriate jokes. Got tongue pierced. Hurt more than I thought. People on the internet lie. Bar is about twice the size of my mouth so having trouble speaking, much to the amusement of everyone else. Can't eat any solids, so bought many soups and yoghurts. Also ice cream. Wonder how long it will be til I get bored of eating liquid food? Experienced some pain and swelling, nothing that didn't go away with Ibuprofen though.
Day 2. 04/06
Apparently the morning after is meant to be when you experience the worse pain. Woke up, wasn't in pain. Tongue is still a little sore and uncomfortable with the bar, but nothing horrendous. Took more painkillers. Still feels weird to have a big foreign metal thing in my mouth (HAHAHA LOLOLOL MAKE A VAGUE PENIS JOKE). The bottom of the barbell is digging into my palatte, which is actually worse than the sore tongue. Stupid small mouth. Never want to see another can of chicken soup in my life. Made fishcakes for dinner, managed to chew the lil crunchy layer on top which made me very happy. Solids ftw. This is nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. What in the hell is wrong with you people?!
Day something. 19/06
Alright, so I sort of slacked at keeping a tongue diary. To sum up, it lasted the same for about 7 days; after 3 days of eating ice cream and rinsing my mouth with saltwater after every cigarette, I felt like crying every time I saw a piece of bread (I eat a LOT of toast...) This has easily been the quickest-healing of all my piercings, which I sort of expected. By about day 5 I could eat anything and had no pain or discomfort apart from the foot-long bar digging into my palate. The most pain I experienced with it was in the mornings, which was quite horrendous for about half an hour but easily subdued with painkillers and ice lollies. The not eating was definitely the worst part of the healing stage as I like food and stuff. Oh, and I had a fucking ridiculous lisp until I got the short bar put in, and seeing as I spend 90% of my day at work saying "cash or exchange?" was quite annoying. No bother, it's worth it - piercing in question is already my favourite out of about 17 in total.

Conclusion: If you can deal with eating only liquids and non-chewable matter for the first week and don't mind people imitating your lisp every time you speak, DO IT DO IT!

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