Right, so I'm quite aware that most teenagers apparently go through this self-discovery phase; the "WHO AM I?!? WHERE AM I?" shit. I think I'm in that right now, and I'm getting quite bored of it to be frank. My moods go up and down like the village bike's knickers (which I'm sure can be attributed to hormones or something...) and I seem to be in a constant state of :/. And tbh, I cba irl. I'm so fucking tired of waiting for someone to come along and tell me what to do; I pride myself on being "independent" or some bollocks like that, but I'm being really fucking shit at that at the moment. In life we're sort of taught (I dunno, just looking for someone to blame and going for the obvious scapegoats - teachers/parents) that no matter how bad everything is, everything will "fall into place" eventually. WHAT FUCKING PLACE? I've been waiting for about 7 years to work shit out, and I do realise I'm only (insert age here) but ffs. Is there an average age for when that happens? Does it differ with heritage/intelligence? HELP ME. FUCKING PLEASE. AWHFGLSKDHNVKS
(I did warn you)
I'm also getting bored of sitting on the internet writing rhetorical questions to myself. H-AAAAALLOW.